Visualization ’20

Registration date:


Submission date:






Commissioned Work: This sub-category is meant ONLY for work that has been commissioned by someone who has paid for or otherwise obtained your services to create the piece you are submitting. This type of work is likely to have been created by a professional for some sort of commercial project. This might be in the capacity of a visualization studio, or an in-house visualization artist working on an in-house project. Architectural competitions are considered commissioned work even if payment was not received for the work. If you make significant changes to a commissioned piece that is considered to be complete and those changes are not part of the original project, it must be submitted to the non-commissioned category. (i.e. If you make changes to the piece for a portfolio, you enhance or change the image past what the client originally asked to make it look better etc.)

Non-Commissioned Work: This sub-category is meant ONLY for work that you did for fun, experimental work, practice, pieces you created for a portfolio etc. and you were not paid for the work. If you make significant changes to a commissioned piece that is considered to be complete, and those changes are not part of the original project, it must be submitted to this category. (i.e. If you make changes to the piece for a portfolio, you enhance or change the image past what the client originally asked to make it look better etc.) Anything that does not fit the criteria for Commissioned work should be considered Non-Commissioned.


This category is meant for any project that uses interactive technologies to communicate architecture, architectural design or architectural marketing. This category is meant for interactive kiosks, augmented reality, virtual reality, mobile applications, interactive web applications, real-time apps or any new technology (hardware or software) that is used to communicate design and architecture.


This category is meant for image of film/animation work created by a student during as part of their studies or educational program. Even if the work was not specifically required as part of your program, if it was created for a school project, please submit it to this category. If you are a student, but created the work outside of your program and was not specifically for a school project, please submit to the appropriate Non-Commissioned category above.

Works created by students for this category must have been completed entirely by the student. No assistance from school staff or other professionals is allowed other than providing basic general guidance. Pre-made scenes provided by the school, scenes that are used as part of a teaching plan or curriculum, and scenes that are not an original creation of the student are not allowed. Scenes found to be in violation of these criteria will be disqualified.

In order to submit to the student category, you can not have worked professionally in any field or any capacity where you were being paid to create visualizations, prior to your submission being created. This includes working as an instructor or professor. The sole exception to this rule are paid internships as part of your education. The intent and spirit of this rule is to ensure you have not gained unfair advantage over other competitors. As a student in this category, you should be a novice to the visualization side of the industry.


1) By submitting you agree that UNI may use your submission(s), fully credited, for promotional purposes on their websites and/or marketing collateral. You will retain all copyrights to your work.


1) You may submit no more than 5 images per company, person or group.

2) Your images must have been created in 2017 - 2020 or made public in 2017 - 2020. Any images determined to have been created before this will be disqualified.

3) Do not submit multiple views of the same project unless they are significantly different from one another.

4) Images must be a minimum of 1500 pixels in the smallest dimension.

5) Images must not be watermarked with recognizable company logos or names. If the creator is discernible in a watermark, the image will be disqualified.

6) If multiple images from the same company, person or group are scored in the top 5 nominees for the image category, only the highest scoring image will be selected.

7) There are two sub-categories for the Image Category: Commissioned and Non-Commissioned work. If an image is submitted to the incorrect category, it will be disqualified. Please see the Category description at the top of this page for more detailed information.

8) Any work created by a student for a school project (irregardless if it was required as part of the educational curriculum) should be submitted to the student Image category. You can not be paid or compensated for any work submitted to the student category.

9) If you are a student, but you were commissioned or paid to create the Image, you must submit to the regular Image Commissioned category.

10) In order to qualify for the student category you can not be working professionally in the visualization industry, or have worked professionally at any time in the past within the field.

11) Each submission must consist of only a single image. Collages will be disqualified.

12) Works created by students for the student category must have been completed entirely by the student. No assistance from school staff or other professionals is allowed other than providing basic general guidance. Pre-made scenes provided by the school, scenes that are used as part of a teaching plan or curriculum, and scenes that are not an original creation of the student are not allowed. Scenes found to be in violation of these criteria will be disqualified.
In order to submit to the student category, you can not have worked professionally in any field or any capacity where you were being paid to create visualizations, prior to your submission being created. This includes working as an instructor or professor. The sole exception to this rule are paid internships as part of your education. The intent and spirit of this rule is to ensure you have not gained unfair advantage over other competitors. As a student in this category, you should be a novice to the visualization side of the industry.


1) You may submit no more than 5 film/animations per company, person or group.

2) Your film/animation must have been created in 2017 - 2020 or made public in 2017 - 2020. Any films/animations determined to have been created before this will be disqualified.

3) All submissions must be submitted in QuickTime MOV or MP4 format. The minimum resolution should Full HD format (1920 x 1080). If your footage was not rendered in HD, we will accept it, however during the judging HD resolution entries may be given preference.

4) Films and animations must not be interlaced.

5) Demo reels or compilations of multiple projects will not be accepted. Only one project or animation project can be included per submission.

6) Submissions must not be watermarked with company logos or names. (Credits/Logos at the beginning or end are accepted but discouraged)

7) If multiple images from the same company, person or group are scored in the top 5 nominees for the Animation/Film category, only the highest scoring Film/Animation will be selected.

8) There are two sub-categories for the Animation/Film Category: Commissioned and Non-Commissioned work. If a film is submitted to the incorrect category, it will be disqualified. Please see the Category description at the top of this page for more detailed information.

9) Any work created by a student for a school project (irregardless if it was required as part of the educational curriculum) should be submitted to the student Animation/Film category. You can not be paid or compensated for any work submitted to the student category.

10) If you are a student, but you were commissioned or paid to create the Film/Animation, you must submit to the regular Film/Animation Commissioned category.

11) In order to qualify for the student category you can not be working professionally in the visualization industry, or have worked professionally at any time in the past within the field.

12) Works created by students for the student category must have been completed entirely by the student. No assistance from school staff or other professionals is allowed other than providing basic general guidance. Pre-made scenes provided by the school, scenes that are used as part of a teaching plan or curriculum, and scenes that are not an original creation of the student are not allowed. Scenes found to be in violation of these criteria will be disqualified.
In order to submit to the student category, you can not have worked professionally in any field or any capacity where you were being paid to create visualizations, prior to your submission being created. This includes working as an instructor or professor. The sole exception to this rule are paid internships as part of your education. The intent and spirit of this rule is to ensure you have not gained unfair advantage over other competitors. As a student in this category, you should be a novice to the visualization side of the industry.


1) You may submit no more than 5 projects per company, person or group.

2) Your project must have been created in 2017 - 2020 or made public in 2017 - 2020. Any projects determined to have been created before this will be disqualified.

3) Submissions must be sent as QuickTime MOV or MP4 Videos. You should use a software like Camtasia or other screen recording software to record the interface and navigation of any real-time scenes, VR/AR experiences or installations. All projects must use video to showcase the use of the technology in use.

4) If multiple Interactive projects from the same company, person or group are scored in the top 5 nominees for the Interactive category, only the highest scoring image will be selected.

Minimum requisites in the sheets (For a complete submission):

  • Cover image of size 2000px x 1000px or larger in aspect ratio 2:1.
  • Upload a minimum of 6 and maximum of 11 images of the project
  • Answer 6/11 given questions in about 150-200 Words.
  • Floor plans, images, sketches (if any) can be added to support the entry in the form of additional images.
  • Ensure that the final sheets which are submitted do not include your name or any other mark of identification.
  • To learn about the best practices of submission refer to this pdf here.
  • Plagiarism of any idea/form/design/image will be disqualified with a notice.

The submission of the entry has to happen on our submission portal at only with the format given on the website. No other mode of submissions will be accepted. In order to avoid last minute rush, plan and try uploading your entries prior to the submission deadline. Check this video tutorial on how to make the submission on the platform.