The Restorative City

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The Restorative City

Within the health sector it is well known that the greatest predictor of one’s health is their zip code, not their genetics or lifestyle choices. Only 20% of health outcomes depend on access to and quality of medical care. 80% of health outcomes depend on our physical environment and socio-economic factors, in other words, the world and people around us shape our wellbeing. While access to hospitals is important, communities with access to parks, transportation, well-resourced schools, adequate housing
are more likely to be healthy.

This is a call to action for urban planning, design, and public policy professionals and all those involved in shaping the physical environments in which we live, work and play. This cycle, the Design Trust is looking for projects that shape New York shared spaces and environment in ways that can make us healthier. Even
more, we’re looking for projects that lift up tools,
investments, and innovation in communities of need,
that recognize the need to direct resources to those
in need.

Projects may be proposed by:
• Individuals, contingent upon the partnership of a related community group or public agency stakeholder. A letter of support from the stakeholder must be submitted with the full (second round) proposal.
• Non-profit public advocacy or community groups that are based in or provide services in New York City.
• City, state, or federal agencies concerned with New York City design policy, implementation, or review.