The Homescape; the New Commute

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Today an estimated 900 million people are confined to their homes in 35 countries worldwide. With the world reverting to home working a global-scale experiment is in full swing, one which instantly asks us to reconsider not only the space of the office, but rather the home and its role within our contemporary society and us, its citizens. For the last few decades architecture has continuously challenged the space of the office allowing for alternative models to emerge. In the last decade alone we have witnessed the rise and advent of co-working and of the campus. In 2019 an estimated 2,188 spaces were opened worldwide with projections set for more than 20,000 in 2020 and 25,968 by 2022, rather than catering only to small business, large corporations like Amazon, AirBnB, and Google also make use of these for meetings and events. On the other hand structures such as googleplex and apple park exist as buildings with a footprint of 260,000 square meter which house more than 12,000 employees.

If until a few weeks ago it seemed that we had progressively grown removed from the space of our own house, we have now been catapulted back into this in full swing. Today our 40 minute commute across cities has turned into a 10 step walk from the bedroom to the desk. We now find ourselves in a situation whereby the public and exterior city seem to have instantly collapsed within the indoor sphere of our domestic space, with our work and private life blurring into one. A continuous stream of video calls flow permeate our household, the option to filter our surrounding environment being one of the few tools that allows us to draw the line between the two realms.

Bound to this new landscape we want to challenge the architecture community to rethink the thresholds of private and public within the sphere of the domestic. Projecting ourselves to a time post-quarantine when we will once again have the freedom to choose where we work and where we ‘live’ we ask you to speculate on the very notion of the house.We ask, what will the homescape of tomorrow be?We invite you to share material which can range from anything as a drawing, a reference, a picture, s short movies, a written thought to our [email protected] with the subject ‘The Homescape; the new commute’. These reflections will be shared on our Abstraction page and will hopefully form a body of work which speculates on the possibility of a new tomorrow.