Tallinn Architecture Biennale TAB 2022 Installation Programme Competititon

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The 2022 TAB installation brief operates in parallel to the "Edible" theme of Lydia Kallipoliti, Areti Markopoulou and Ivan Sergejev’s Curatorial exhibition. The installation competition is interested in how the Slow Food movement, a countercultural response to industrialized food production, can serve as an effective departure point for reimagining how and what we build.

As a counterpoint to the prevailing trends towards high-speed industrialized construction, the curators invite proposals that explore the relationship between technology and slowness. Slowness is a useful framework for thinking about design and construction in a world of finite physical resources and exponentially increasing computational capacity. New technologies could, for instance, enable builders to better utilize local materials and extend the capacity of traditional craftsmanship, reducing the need for global production and transportation chains or standardized building components.

The 2022 TAB installation calls for proposals that take a long, romantic, and human centric view towards construction technology, demonstrating designs and processes that extend and expand learning and mastery, traditional craftsmanship and analogue fabrication, repurposing and reuse of local materials, human invention and improvisation, environmental adaptation and responsiveness, wonderment, and delight.

The installation competition seeks proposals for Slowbuildings that explore how the same technologies that are facilitating faster industrialized construction can be slowed to nourish local craftsmanship, better utilize available materials, respond to environments over long time scales and enhance bespoke design expression. Could robotic automation and rapidly emerging technologies of machine learning, mixed reality environments, high fidelity spatial capture and 3D printing allow Slowbuilding to become an alternative paradigm for architectural production, one that is optimized for learning, adaptation, collaboration and delight rather than capital gain and project delivery time?

CURATORSGwyllim Jahn, Cameron Newnham, Soomeen Hahm Design, Igor PanticTAB 2019 Installation Competition winners

THE JURYRoland Snooksarchitect and founder of Kokkugia, Associate Professor at RMIT, Australia

Kathrin Dörflerarchitect and founder of dorfundrust, Professor at TU Munich, Germany

Peeter Perearchitect and founder of Peeter Pere Arhitektid, Estonia

PROGRAMME DESCRIPTIONThe installation should work independently of the larger whole, as a functional and active public space in front of the Museum of Estonian Architecture. Just as previous editions of TAB, the installation itself should be open to the surroundings and attract visitors the museum. The competition is not looking for proposals for small houses or cabins, but public installations. The installation needs to be climate resistant as it should stay on the site until 2024, a period of two years. Architects are encouraged to think about timber as innovative construction material, possibly in combination with other materials. The winning team will construct their own design for the opening of TAB 2022.

SITEThe site for the Installation Competition is the area in front of the Museum of Estonian Architecture, housed in the Rotermann Salt Storage – one of Tallinn’s most outstanding examples of industrial architecture. The area in front of the museum is a lively pedestrian street for commuters between harbor and city center. East to west it is a green island on one of the busiest streets in the city centre, being one of the main connections between the two sides of the city.

COMPETITION AND PRODUCTION SCHEDULE17th March 2021:competition announced

22nd April 2021:stage 1 submission deadline, 12:00 PM Estonian Time

June 2021:announcement of the chosen teams

10th September 2021:Stage 2 submission deadline, 12:00 PM Estonian Time

end of September 2021:the winner announced

7th September 2022:Opening of TAB 2022 and the installation

PARTICIPATIONThe competition is directed towards emerging architectural talent and is open to all graduated architects or teams composed of at least one architect. The competition is not open to students. The participants don’t have to be licensed.

PRODUCTION AND BUDGETAll projects are invited to collaborate with local timber industry. The TAB installation works within a budget of 15 000 euro that covers both design and build. The winning team will be assisted by the Estonian Centre for Architecture to help and advice with production.

PRIZES1st prize15 000 € budget for construction + symposium participation + exhibition participation + published in TAB 2022 book + TAB 2022 pass

2nd and 3rd prizeTAB 2022 exhibition participation + published in TAB 2022 book + TAB 2022 PASS

The winner and the II stage participants will be exhibited at TAB Installation Programme exhibition.

COMPETITION MATERIALS - https://www.dropbox.com/work/Arhitektuurikeskus%20Team%20Folder/TAB%202022/Installation%20Competition