You have to deliver a speculative fiction, delivered through the following media:
5 Images of size [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi] in portrait or landscape digital format (JPEG only).
This is the link for new file sizes, here.
Each image should be less than 15MB. (Do not submit PNG format)
Label the images with the following naming conventions:
Project Name_Image Number.jpg
1 Page of narrative text (max 800 words), submitted as a PDF labeled as follows:
Project Name_Narrative.pdf
1-minute film (1920 x 1080, 24fps, h.264 codec) in MP4 container, labeled as follows:
Project Name_Film.mp4
• Cover image / Thumbnail of size 2000px x 1000px or larger in aspect ratio 2:1.
• Answering 6 FAQ’s #
#The FAQ’s have to be answered as instructed in the FAQ document in the ‘additional resources folder’.