Registration process for Institutional Access is similar to individual/ team registration. Registration could be done either by student or mentor on behalf of entire class. You will receive a confirmation upon registration.
Verify your identity
We will get in touch with you within 72 hours to complete the verification process with your institution. We'll ask you for list of students participating and a letter from institution.
Make your teams or play individual
Like working solo? You Can! The combinations to participate can range from all students working solo (Eg: 1 participant per entry = 20 Submissions) to all students in maximum size of team permitted in competition (Eg. 4 participants per entry = 5 submissions), or any custom structure of teams, solo duo, trio - only condition is 20 registered students are allowed to participate per Institution Access pass. An insitute can buy multiple passes to fit their entire classroom.
Add entries for the competition
You can add a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 20 entries for the competition. All the entries will be supervised by 1 faculty member (this information cannot be changed later)
Submit your entries using UNI's submission portal before the submission deadline as specified in the brief
Meet your partner institution
Soon after the submission deadline is over we will announce your partner institution so that you can discuss upon the ideas and exchange resources. Faculty will explore the entry of the partner institutions and students can start discussing their project with partner institution students. Incase there's only one IA registration, there are no partner institutes.
Result declaration and Awards
Once the competition period is over, we declare the result openly with one winner for every institutional access and an international winner of the competition.