Opera Truck

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Art is a repository of a society’s collective memory; it tends to preserve what historical facts cannot. It is a form of representation of culture and tradition in most lucid form and acts as a visual language that speaks to all. It has become a chronicle that has created different identities for itself, namely, visual, performing, and written.

Art’s transition from utilitarian purposes and aesthetics into work of expression happened hundreds of years after its birth. Where is it now? Art is the fundamental form of representation yet it is unnoticed, at the comfort of our screens there is a visual barrier that deprives us of its actual flavor.


Enjoying any form of art sounds implausible to a large number of people who have never experienced art physically or found an opportunity to build a relationship. From an artist’s perspective, pursuing any form of art as their means of livelihood for sustenance is a far-fetched dream.

Entertainers, dancers, painters and street artists use open public spaces for their performances. They have enabled the option of an exclusive form of interaction for the audience by offering art as an experience and expression. They have challenged the antiquated form of displaying art only in theatres by their performance. Their reach is bound by a lack of infrastructural support on performance locations or the disengagement of spectators with art.

Can we as designers suggest an alternative to house such artists by giving them an open platform to explore their potential? Can this intervention help re-establish the disconnect of people with art?

Brief: The participants have to design a portable structural pod for artists that can be placed in any public realm in context with the city and should be well equipped with all the tools required by the street performers.
