Open Call: Does Architecture Discriminate?

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Today, the majority of people in the developed and developing world live either in cities that are the legacy of colonialism, capitalism, and other patriarchal structures, or in landscapes drawn and redrawn by the enterprises of colonial and corporate expansion. Given the magnitude of resources and capital needed to bring architectural design into fruition, the values and objectives of institutional stakeholders will inevitably continue to shape architecture. In other words, the built environment is never apolitical; it is persistently fashioned as a socioeconomic artifact.

In this issue, we're interested in the tectonics of inequality: Who are public spaces built to exclude? Will the robotization of the environment augment current cognitive biases? What xenophobic assumptions are embodied into the fabric of the spaces we must traverse on a daily basis? With contemporary geographies riddled by political divides, does architecture produce disparity or can it propagate new democracies? What tools do designers have to destabilize structural prejudice?

We’re interested in responses to either of the calls. We are also accepting submissions for two-part pieces that address both sides of the discussion. Proposals should be no more than 250 words and include sample images, anticipated length/format of the piece, and sources as well as a brief bio.