Open Call: Basel Pavillon

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Architecture must tread new paths in order to meet the ecological challenges of our time. The reuse of building components is an important aspect of this need. Under the auspices of The Architecture Week Basel (AWB), the design and programme of the Basel Pavillon intend to formulate a radical and aesthetic thesis for circular construction that implements (re)used components. A catalogue of used, reused building components from demolition projects in Switzerland is being compiled. It includes various building materials, types and scales. The pavilion will open in May 2022 as part of AWB which will offer local and international potential a biannual platform in Basel for the first time. The pavilion will be located on the Dreispitz site in Basel.

This Open Call addresses and invites all creative minds, working in a variety of disciplines to submit their ideas addressing circular reuse through architecture and construction. Multidisciplinary teams from architecture, design, art, science and beyond are explicitly welcome to share their visions on the future now. It is through thinking together across disciplines and beyond current systems that we can start the much-needed revision in existing mindsets and processes related to our built environments. With the Basel Pavillon we aim to inspire a transformation that will instigate meaningful, lasting change in the long-term and a sharing of voices, visions and perspectives in the present.

Download the information related to this competition here.