Next Generation Civilization Kit 2.0 – Shea’s Parametric Ideation Competition 2020.

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Call for Ideas: Parametric Design Competition

Cities are home to more than 50% of the world population, which is made up of about seven billion inhabitants. This figure is projected to increase significantly to about 75% by 2050. This means that the majority of inhabitants will be predicted to live in urban areas by 2050.

The benefits of urbanisation are quite clear, with cities not only being historical and cultural hubs but also the world’s economic hotspots. However, there are also many problems associated with modern cities. With the current growth rate of cities, competition for natural resources has risen to inexplicable levels, resulting in a global resource shortage. Rapid urbanisation has led to increased stress on the existing infrastructures and supply chains, resulting in social changes such as lack of a cohesive community.

This brings us to the most important aspect of this project – we aim to redesign the consumption and living patterns of communities to make them self-sustainable and eco-friendly. The implication is to restore the horizontal division of labour and rekindle the sharing spirit that will lead to a culture of community living. By increasing the efficiency of resource allocation, we aim to raise the bar for self-sustenance and resilience of cities.

It’s time to redesign our future!


Participants are to choose a site area of 3,000 sqm in Southeast Asia and design a self-sufficient community with each dwelling unit of no more than 25 sqm. The dwelling unit will be the starting point for a community to grow and flourish in the future. Participants are encouraged to use out-of-the-box concepts to create resourceful spaces with maximised functionality and minimum footprint.

The dwelling unit should meet the following requirements:

Maximum of 25 sqm of floor area per person with private and additional shared space.

The design caters to the individual’s personal needs (resting, bathing, cooking and working) and community requirements (interacting).

Portable and easy to assemble/construct on site, easily scalable (modular) to a community (vertically or horizontally).

Made of eco-friendly and affordable materials.

Able to maintain indoor temperature within the range of 24 – 28 degree Celsius.

The design is structurally feasible and must satisfy local codes for wind, lightning and rainfall protection.

Participants are encouraged to think beyond the current standards of sustainability and use the below mentioned parameters to design the dwelling and community, through an integrated systems approach.

Daylight, Solar potential, Wind analysis, Energy, Green space, Blue space, Road network and footprint, Food and Resilience.


Student Category – up to $3,000 SGD

Open Category – up to $2,000 SGD

Key Dates

Submissions are to be made via email to by 31 December 2020.


The competition is open to all. No professional qualifications are required.

For more information about the Parametric Design Competition, visit

Download the information related to this competition here.