International Competition for the Development Plan of the Old HANGLAS Site

Registration date:


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The chosen site used to be the location for the old HANGLAS factory (established in 1979). The factory has since moved to another site and the old factory has been demolished. The site is currently being prepared for the establishment of a prenegotiated district unit plan that responds to progressive societal changes and contemporary social demands. The goal is to modify the usage purpose of the site from that of a general manufacturing area to a quasi-residential and general commercial site, in order to create a tourism-focused cultural complex that can function as an axis of marine cultural tourism in the eastern Busan region. All relevant development plans have been requested regarding land use.
This competition has been initiated by the Busan Urban Planning Committee to discover the optimum prenegotiated district unit plan. The project site boasts favorable accessibility to downtown Busan and the popular Ilgwang Beach, which attracts tourists from all over the nation as well as Busan citizens. As so, it is considered that the site’s location potential as a marine tourism focused complex combined with a housing complex is outstanding. It is also expected that the site would become a major foothold for Eastern Busan tourism. The objective of this competition is to select a specialized enterprise that is able to develop innovative, contemporary and creative ideas, and to carry out the required services for establishment of the development plan of the old HANGLAS site.