Inspire Future Generations Awards

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Open to practitioners, built environment professionals and the private/public sector, the Inspire Future Generations Awards aim to recognise people and initiatives globally that have been working with children and young people - helping them to engage in and advocate for a better built environment. They’re the first awards of their kind for all built environment professionals in the UK.Winning entries will need to demonstrate how they have made a tangible impact on closing the gap between architecture and education, through activity, collaboration or research. Successful initiatives, organisations and individuals will need to show how they have encouraged children and young people to engage in and advocate for a better built environment, and will demonstrate best practice and innovation. The deadline for applications is Monday 4th October 2021 and category entry forms below set out what you need to do. The FAQ gives other important information and also set out the guidelines for judging. Awards are free or low-cost and easy to enter, and several awards carry a £500 prize.Download the application info pack before applying below.Each year, we will add the winning award entries to the TET resource bank so that others can learn from these case studies. Awards categories in 2022 will include in-school programmes.View Video #ifgawards