Humankind After COVID-19: Design Challenge to Reactivate the Economy

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The results caused by the COVID-19 outbreak are unimaginable and unpredictable yet, but we are already feeling the drastic effects. Richard Kozul-Wright, Director of the UNCTAD, estimates an impact that will cost the world economy around $1 trillion, expecting a worst scenario than the financial collapse in 2008.

What does the impact mean?

  • Thousands of businesses in bankruptcy.
  • Millions of jobs lost.
  • Unstable political and social environment.
  • Fewer opportunities, and more poverty.


Propose a visionary project that helps to revive the economy of a region, city or community affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.

In a perfect harmony of architecture, economy and environment, the competition aims to generate visionary ideas that mark the aftermath of the pandemic and inspire different organizations to draw up a “PLAN B” for the world economy.

Project Principles

  • Competition is open to all, and no professional qualification is required.
  • Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
  • Designs can be of any program, any scale, and on any site. Participants are free to experiment and explore the subject. 
  • The architectural concept helps to reactivate the economy from specific region, city or community.
  • The proposal address one or more solutions for economic problems that emerged from the COVID-19 outbreak (e.g., jobs generation, unemployment, housing, reactivation for sectors like tourism, cultural or sports, support local business and entrepreneurs, macro-solutions for public spaces, etc).

Submission Requirements

  • Project Summary: Title of the design concept.
  • Team ID and participant’s name at the right top corner.
  • Text project summary in PDF (800-word maximum) in vertical format.
  • Design & Impact Proposal: Two boards A1 formatted landscape in PDF.
  • Supporting images to include diagrams, plans, sections, concept explanations, and perspectives.
  • An economic impact proposal that includes diagrams, statistics, or infographics connected to the design concept.
  • Mandatory Formatting: The official language is English.
  • The file must be saved as a PDF and named as follows: (teamID)_(design concept name).pdf
  • Each of the boards must be labeled with the TEAM ID.
  • All submissions must be sent via WeTransfer to our official email: [email protected]


  • First:
  • £1500, International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook
  • Second:
  • £ 600
  • International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
  • Third:
  • £ 400
  • International publications, certificate, an exclusive interview, and the project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.
  • +7 honorable mentions:
  • Certificate and project inclusion at THE.ARK ebook.