You have to deliver an architectural outcome on the following site, based on the given outlines.
• Recommended number of sheets - 6 sheets. – [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [ 400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi ] in portrait digital format (JPEG). Minimum 3 sheets & no maximum boards/sheet limit.
• Each image should be less than 15MB.
• This is the link for new file sizes, here.
This additional resources folder contains FAQ Questions, High Res maps, Area program, and CAD file of the site plan.
Minimum requisites are sheets/boards + Cover image (2000 x 1000 px.) containing:
• Site plan (Compulsory)
• Key conceptual sections x 1 (Minimum)
• 3D views x 4
• Floor plans, images, sketches (if any) can be added to support the entry in the form of additional images.
• Answer 6 FAQ questions in the discussion section as given on the ‘additional resources folder’.
+ The team limit for this competition is 4 members maximum.
+ Use exploded views to discuss multi-leveled conceptual models better.
+ Ensure that the final sheets which are submitted do not include your name or any other mark of identification.
+ Mention sheet number on the corner of every sheet.
+ This is a design idea challenge only. There is no built commission/realization is associated with the problem
+ Plagiarism of any idea/form/design/image will be disqualified with a notice.