Cold War Veterans Memorial Competition

Registration date:


Submission date:




Pritzker Archives & Memorial Park Center

The Cold War Veterans Memorial Commission is pleased to invite entries to the design competition for a new Cold War Veterans Memorial. This Memorial will be a critical piece of the Pritzker Archives and Memorial Park Center currently under development in Somers, Wisconsin.’

The Cold War Memorial design competition’s goal is to achieve a timeless memorial that will honour Cold War veterans’ service and inspire the public to take the steps necessary to preserve our freedoms for centuries to come.


Design Goals

  1. Create an iconic image for the CWVM that is recognizable and memorable to visitors to the Pritzker Archives & Memorial Park Center (PAMPC).
  2. Provide a landmark that, combined with the buildings of the PAMPC, will be a visual attraction to potential visitors traveling Interstate 94.
  3. Recognize the role of the CWVM as a contributing and complimentary element of the PAMPC complex.
  4. Integrate any structures with interpretive landscape, choreographing a profound visitor experience offering choice in immersion and
  5. Interpret the Design Themes to incorporate content and symbology recognizing the complexity of the Cold War and the diversity of citizens that served in the U.S. Armed Forces,
    Intelligence Operations, Government and as Civilians


The first stage of this Design Competition is an open, international competition, open to any professionals, university-level students, or any other interested participants who register and pay the required entry fee. A participant may be an individual, a team of individuals, or a firm.

Submission Requirements

Entries must be a single design concept and include a title, site plan, drawings (such as perspectives, sections, or elevations), and annotation to depict key design elements of the design. Include cardinal directions and drawing scale (if appropriate) for all drawings.