Call for Submissions: Extended Abstract for Responsive Cities 2021: Design with Nature
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Responsive Cities is a bi-annual international symposium on the future of cities organized by the Advanced Architecture Group of IAAC.
The 2021 edition focuses on “Design with Nature” and takes place within the framework of the Building Urban Intelligent Living Design Solutions (BUILDs) project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and developed by the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia - IAAC- (Spain), Université de Lorraine -UL- (France), Vienna University of Economics and Business -WU- (Austria), Ersilia Foundation (Spain), ECONICK (France), Plant-e (Netherlands), City Facilitators -CF- (Denmark), and GreenTech Challenge -GTC- (Denmark).
The Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) with the Advanced Architecture Group and the BUILD Solutions project partners have launched the Call for Papers for Responsive Cities 2021, a global platform to experiment and rethink urban environments in response to today’s global challenges.
This Call aims to boost the reflection on how the integration of technologically enhanced NBS in cities can generate innovative visions, methodologies, and solutions.- Can the use of technologies support NBS integration in cities with the final goal to enhance the provision of ecosystem services? - How can we strengthen social relations through the implementation of innovative NBS? - Will the technology-mediated implementation of NBS in cities lead to the development of innovative business models targeted at addressing current urban challenges?
The Responsive Cities Symposium: Design with Nature is organized around the following topics:
DESIGN – bio-design | environmental feedback | collective intelligenceBUILD – reintegrating nature | digital fabrication | new bio-inspired planning paradigmsADAPT – nature-based solutions | biotechnology | black ecologiesPERFORM – living systems | increased liveability | ecosystem servicesSHARE – participatory design | novel virtual environments for co-design | symbiosisLEARN – new educational models | applied research | making
Participation to the symposium is free of charge, however presenting authors of selected papers will be charged 200€ (junior)/350€(senior) to participate to the Symposium and publish their contribution in the Conference Proceedings. Fees also include participation to the social dinner.
All the information and templates can be found on the Responsive Cities Website.
Download the information related to this competition here.