Between the Drops Design Competition
Registration date:
Submission date:
Young architects are being invited to participate in a design competition for Tipat Halav – early years centres – in Israel. “Between the Drops” is a collaboration between the Israeli Ministry of Health, the Bernard van Leer Foundation and the Department of Architecture at Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design, open to fourth- and fifth-year students and recent graduates in Israel and beyond.
Tipat Halav reach 97% of Israel’s families with health services, and we have been working with the Ministry to build the capacity of Tipat Halav nurses to provide parenting support. As part of our Urban95 work, we are now asking how planning and design tools can help the centres to enrich interaction between infants and toddlers and their caregivers, and be a welcoming focal point for the local community. The Ministry has agreed to integrate ideas and principles from the competition winners into the design of well-baby clinics across the nation.
Developed in partnership with Bezalel, the challenge will be judged by an international jury including Japanese architect Takaharu Tezuka and Skye Duncan of the US National Association of City Transportation Officials. The deadline for entries is 16 March, 2021. To read more about the challenge and how to enter, see the ‘Between the Drops’ website.
Download the information related to this competition here.