Beam Center Open Call for big projects

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Beam Center believes that all young people are capable of spectacular things. We’ve been proving it for 17 years in schools across NYC and at Beam Camp, where young people realize large-scale projects designed by world-class architects, artists and engineers.
Each year, Beam has conducted an international search for spectacular project ideas to be built at Beam Camp in New Hampshire. For the first time this year, we are putting out an Open Call for three big ideas for our three locations: Beam Project NH - located at Beam CampBeam Project GI - located at our newly launched Beam Camp City on Governors IslandBeam Project NYC - to be built in the Bronx as our next city-based public artwork
Winning proposals will be selected by a committee composed of Beam Center staff, youth, past project designers, and community members. Selected artists work with Beam’s Project Team, including Beam Staff and youth, to bring these projects to life.
Check out the 2021 NYC Beam Project and our Beam Camp projects to get an idea of the scale at which we work.

Ye Quin Zhu's A Universe project built by Beam Camp youth and staff in New Hampshire in July 2021.

Beacon, Shervone Neckle's tribute to American Inventor Lewis Latimer. Built by Beam Center youth and staff in Brooklyn, NY.