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Fig: 1 - Croatia is a country rich in natural landscapes and terrains.


Art has been defined and redefined as per every individual's perception. Across the world, art, in general, has been regarded as a very broad phenomenon, comprising various different art forms and their varied ways of expression.

It has been said that art is the nearest we can ever go to magic. For art is as simple and as complicated as we make it to be. It's more about our perception of it than what it actually is. There are a thousand ways how we can romanticize and explain the art forms and the way it has shaped us across decades. It remains one of the most fascinating and enchanting cultural and public elements around the world; irrespective of the mode or medium of its practice. It never fails to awe the observer.

Generally what seems like strokes of brush and paints on the canvas hold a large meaning behind them.

There is a large part in art and the art world that seems too far and different to be understood by everyone.

Fig: 2 - The architecture of the region is embedded in the natural setting so that it causes minimal impact on the scenery.


As mystic as the description about the art seems. The same carries forward towards the ones that hold the capacity to create it. The ones who create magic not by a wand but by the paintbrush in their hands.

Every artist has their own sense of make and creation. Where they need a certain kind of environment for their art to actually be brought on paper and seen. As unique as these both things are, so is the need for the space to be unique that holds the capacity to contain aid.
A space that not just gives shelter to the artist for their art. But some spaces also aid the process of making art by provisions that are refreshing, inspiring, free and creative enough to provide the artist with the right environment.

The influence of space can be directly observed in the process of creating and art created; how can architecture address/reflect this abstract sense of creativity and create a solution which aids the artist?

Fig: 3 - The built structures take advantage of the prime location and view the site has to offer to create a serene environment for the occupants of the space.


How can an artist-specific design aid the process of creation?

Can architectural intervention help in the physiological and psychological well be of the same? Can this intervention not only aid individual artist’s but also artists as a community?

Brief: The aim of this challenge is to create a cottage resort for the artists, here this resort acts as a space to aid and support the artist’s art creation process. The resort design will act as a getaway space for the artists for their vacations and will function specific to this focus group, offering a design that aids the artist needs. Artists' visual art is considered to be the main focus group of this challenge.

Space has to be the one where the artist is able to create his art, relax and enjoy the context and scenic beauty around it. As well as being able to interact with fellow artists while still being able to reside privately in their own space.


Concept: Basic needs and requirements of an artist must be fulfilled with a functional yet flexible design with an ambience of luxury, comfort and work-friendliness.

Aesthetics: The form and spatial interior can be designed to inspire creativity through its choice of geometry, material and colour palette.

Balance: The aesthetics of the design must be balanced with the functionality of the spaces to create an efficient design.

Harmony: The design must establish some harmony or connection with the surroundings while having outstanding features.

Context: The design must respond to the (existing) site conditions. The wider socio-cultural, economic and environmental settings are to be considered in the design approach.


Croatia is a country located in the northwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It is a small yet highly geographically diverse country. The Croatian geography consists of three main regions, the alps, river valleys and the hills. The majority of Croatia is widely urbanised and surrounded by vast open lands and green pastures.

The site is located in Poreč, Croatia. The coast of the town is a major tourist attraction for its heritage landmarks and natural scenery. The site is located far from the main city, situated in the suburban area.

It offers a direct view of the sea and is well connected to the nearby areas by main roads. The surroundings of the site consist of a majority of green land pastures which acts as a pleasant backdrop to the site.

Site Area: 6854 sq.m
Height limit: G+2 or 6 metres
FAR (Floor Area Ratio): 1
Ground Coverage: 40%
Coordinates: 45°12'09.3"N 13°36'03.1"E


Design the resort for 30 artists.

Space ideas:

  • Lobby
  • Entrance
  • Main gathering space
  • Individual cottages
  • Twin cottages
  • Observation deck
  • Gathering spaces
  • Amphitheatres
  • Recreational spaces
  • Library
  • Exhibition space
  • Landscape/gardens
  • Interactive spaces
  • Common spaces

Other ancillary facilities can be added as per the participants.