Architecture of the Apocalypse

Registration date:


Submission date:





You have to deliver an architectural outcome on the following site, based on the given outlines.

• A maximum of 4 boards or sheets. – [ 2362px x 3544px ] or [ 400mm x 600mm in 150 dpi ] in portrait digital format (JPEG).

• Each image should be less than 15MB

• This is the link for new file sizes, here.

Minimum requisites in the sheets are 3 sheets/boards + Cover image containing:

A slogan describing your project. This slogan will be associated with your project in order to represent it. (100 characters in English).

• Site plan (Compulsory)

• Key conceptual sections x 1 (Minimum)

• 3D views x 4 Procedural, Observational and/or analytical diagrams

• Cover image/Thumbnail of size 2000 x 1000 px or larger in aspect ratio 2:1.

• Floor plans, images, sketches (if any) can be added to support the entry in the form of additional images.

• Answer 6 FAQ questions in the discussion section as given on the ‘additional resources folder’.


+ The team limit for this competition is 4 members maximum.

+ Use exploded views to discuss multi-leveled conceptual models better.

+ Ensure that the final sheets which are submitted do not include your name/your company name/your institution name or any other mark of identification. You are allowed to give a name to your project.

+ Mention sheet number on the corner of every sheet.

+ This is design ideas challenge only. There is no built commission/realization is associated with the problem

+ Plagiarism of any idea/form/design/image will be disqualified with a notice.