Aditya College of Architecture (ACA) brings its 8th International Design Competition (IDC -2021)
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ACA's 8th International Design Competition 2021 with the theme, ‘MONADIC ARCHITECTURE’, an attempt to investigate design outcomes through reintroducing Monadic / Modular architecture in the contemporary domain as an undeniable answer to meet some the rural and urban building needs. IDC 2021 attempts to inculcate this need of the future and encourage young minds to embrace this method of design evolution. The competition entails the submission of a design proposal that involves the repetition of a single module to create space and form. The building typology can range from housing to schools to budget resorts and office complexes. The proposal must address a solution to a specific problem in their country of origin.
Entries will be judged based on the solution proposed and how sensitively the issue has been addressed. The complexity of the issue being resolved along with the manner in which the unit is multiplied to achieve spatial quality and economic advantage shall also be taken into consideration